Do Fish Dream ?

Monday, February 4, 2008

**HEALTH WARNING** Stay Away From Doctor Google

I know, I know, I shouldn't have consulted him - but he's got such a wealth of experience and knowledge at his fingertips,err, well my fingertips and....well.....the bloody local Doctors all seem to have conflicting advice regarding the treatment of my Deep Vein Thrombosis; my case in point:

1. Keep your leg elevated to help with the swelling - but make sure you exercise your limb to prevent further problems; I mean WTF ?? Do I keep still, or move my arse ?

2. Exercise within your pain threshold, but remember, there is a small risk of the clot breaking up and causing a pulmonary embolism if you "over do it" ... define OverDO it you morons....and how do you know that my pain threshold will not cause further damage because I'm tough and it's too high, or fuck things up because I'm a bloody great sook ?

3. Make sure you don't change your diet, eat healthily, but for fucks sake don't eat broccoli, spinach, olive oil, soya products etc.. 'cos they'll mess with your warfarin levels, give a false reading and you could be under/over anti-coagulated and that's very dangerous, life threatening even. Great news for a tofu-eating, broccoli loving chick ... not !

Woohoo ! No, great, that's fabulous news fuck off with your contradictory advice, I'm off to consult Dr Google; thanks all the same.

Oops, waaaaay BAD IDEA kids - Dr Google is just lurking to seriously mess with your heads and banish all hopes of sleep (even those freaking measly 5hours you normally get - gone) you may have harboured for tonight. Let's see...

DVT - let's start with the fucker that started all this nonsense, shall we: A pulmonary embolism (PE) happens when a piece of the blood clot from a DVT breaks off and travels through the bloodstream to the lungs. In the lungs it can block a pulmonary artery. This can cause chest pain, shortness of breath or coughing up phlegm tinged with blood. In severe cases it can be fatal. PE can happen hours or even days after the DVT has formed. DVT treatment significantly lowers the risk of this complication, but does not eradicate it completely. = Yay, even with a diagnosis and treatment started, I'm not out of the woods ! Memo to self...put 000 (911 for you others) in my speed dial

Heparin Injections - stabbing those suckers into my stomach twice a day, every day - Watch for these common reactions: change in skin colour or pain around the injection site; fever; chills; runny nose; watering eyes; nausea and vomiting; headache; itchy soles of the feet; osteoporosis; collection of blood
under skin; irregular heart beat; muscular weakness, fatigue and tingling of the hands, feet or tongue; unusual hair loss. = Awesome, I'm going to be fucking bald

Warfarin Tablets - 5mg once a day: Get medical help if you have any of these signs - hives; difficulty breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat; skin changes or discoloration anywhere on your body; purple toes or fingers; pain in your stomach, back, or sides; low fever, loss of appetite, dark urine, jaundice (yellowing of the skin or eyes); diarrhoea, fever, chills, body aches, flu symptoms; easy bruising or bleeding that will not stop; blood in your urine; black, bloody, or tarry stools; nosebleeds, bleeding gums, coughing up blood; feeling weak or light-headed; sudden headache, confusion, problems with vision, speech, or balance; sudden leg or foot pain; or sudden numbness or weakness, especially on one side of the body; nausea, vomiting, stomach pain; gas and bloating; or hair loss ..... = Fan-Fucking-Tastic I'm going to be FUCKING BALD.

So, clearly even if I live to Blog another day (and we now know that's not a safe bet), I am going to be bald ... and as other women will know, being a bald chick is SO NOT COOL :)

My advice = stay the hell away from this Quack punters.....he's unlicensed and clearly not qualified to hang his shingle anywhere in the real world .... Real Doctors are bad enough, but this bloke is pure Frankenstein evil :)


who cares said...

You forgot, "painful rectal itch", lol.

Yes Google, the great and powerful Oz, is a good thing, but can be too much information too.

What about compression stockings? Is that an option?

I've been dealing with my dad's vascular dementia and have been crying for days because Dr. Google told me he may only have 3 years to live, compared to the 9 years he'd live if he just had Alzheimer's. UGH.

Yeah, but it's hard to stay away from Google.

Bettie K. said...

LOL---at the very least you are not going to develop fungal feet. Our next door neighbor who looks and acts like Jerry Garcia diagnosed himself with an appendicidis (yes, spelling is way wrong--sorry). And who says a 50 year old hippie who smokes way to much can't diagnosis illness using Google?

Bettie K. said...

One more jock itch!

tina FCD said...

My mom is elderly and reads wayyy too much material about health.

Sometimes she just needs to take the doctors recommendations, such as, take stool softener,not warm prune juice on top of that because it wasn't working fast enough....

Anonymous said...

Why is it that drugs give us worse symptoms than what we are being treated for?

Anonymous said...

Why is it that drugs give us worse symptoms than what we are being treated for?

Watergurl said...

TM, no posts for a couple of days, get off those drugs please.
No more Dr Gurgle, pc's are bad news for diagnosis and they lack bedside manners. The best medicine is writing, hint hint.
Crack on.

Anonymous said...

Just think of all those lovely wigs you could play with...:)

gemmak said...

Jeez...Doc Google!!!! Nightmare!!! I have had just about every ill known to woman kind over the last 10 years....if Doc Google was correct. A little information is never a good thing! heh.

gemmak said...

Jeez...Doc Google!!!! Nightmare!!! I have had just about every ill known to woman kind over the last 10 years....if Doc Google was correct. A little information is never a good thing! heh.

Chelsea + Shiloh said...

hey chick, what ya up to...g/f put me on to a chinese herbal medicine she takes....
Red Moon (TCM Menopause Support) Geng Nian An Pian- High potency...she swears by the stuff..

We have a Chinese Herbal Practioner at our normal doctors. Cant remember if she got it over the counter or by script. I'll as her, and youd need to check its ok with the current stuff ya on...but it sounds brilliant...

Hope ya going well..Big hugs Abs

Unknown said...

I have a coupla sites I go to for background information on bits and pieces.

I find them reputable but never rely on them as such ... more for checking up on medication I have already been prescribed, or alternate treatment options available (I have a couple of tricky conditions), or for background research to figure out what questions I want answered.

Once I have researched, I then trek back to my doctor with my questions, or ring a lovely family member with a medical background.

From there I am informed and in charge of my own body.

Ann said...

Hello Tex
Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. You are the second one to do so. I have to tell you, when someone first did kind of gave me the creeps! I told my daughter someone is actually reading it. She said Mom..that is what happens. But then i thought about it..and that was the reason I did it. I thought it would make me accountable in my choices. The strange thing feels more like support then accountability. Your story and mine are very much alike in our experience with diets and also body image. I look forward to ready checking up and sharing ideas with you about the healthy choices we are both making in our life.

I never heard of "Deep Vein Thrombosis" and I don't dare google it now!!!! LOL I hope you find some relief soon.


Anonymous said...

Ak ste majiteľ hotela, alebo iné prax v pohostinstve, a hľadajú nový spôsob správy zdrojov, ktoré ponúka web, nájdete všetko, čo potrebujete na nový ovládací panel Family G: ľahko ovládateľný a prispôsobivý každú potrebu. Je to nevyhnutný nástroj pre všetkých profesionálov, ktorí chcú byť krok s dobou a zvýšenie ich príjmov.

Doska má dve časti: prvá, môžu zákazníci využiť inovatívnych služieb, ako je video príjem, ktorý môže ľahko dostať do kontaktu so zákazníkom prostredníctvom svojich internetových stránkach, alebo vytvoriť a spravovať svoju spoločnosť blog, nové a užitočné nástroje oceňujú google, alebo písať tlačové správy alebo výrobku na trh, ktorý sa FamilyG bude následne Family G zverejnený na webových stránkach alebo požiadať o radu týkajúcu sa vášho vlastníctva. Okrem toho môžete tiež ľahko zmeniť vašu rezerváciu alebo špeciálne ponuky, stránky vášho webu alebo tie jej štruktúry na portáli Family G. Všetky výrobky sú podrobne vysvetlené, takže môžete pristupovať na oblasť len preto, aby informácie.

Druhá časť, horný panel, stačí otvoriť všetkým, zákazníkom a nie, hostinský ponúka rozšíriť svoje vedomosti, a preto ich podnikania, s využitím všetkých prostriedkov, ktoré ponúka web je Family G poznať štatistiky vašich stránok ako hodnosť, ceny kľúčových slov, alebo pre kontrolu medzinárodnej dopravy v špecifických oblastiach a prípadne pripraviť cielené reklamné kampane. svoje produkty na predaj v prvej časti, si zaslúži ďalšie skúmanie. stránku nové ponuky sú:

-otvárať a spravovať ich firemný blog, nové technológie, ktoré možno kombinovať s alebo vymenila svoje miesto a je veľmi užitočné, pretože Google nemá rád viac statické stránky, najmä ak máte záujem získať viac zákazníkov získavať dodatočné zabezpečenie trhov, úzko špecializovaných . Video-riadiť recepcia, FamilyG môžete prijímať video hovory a otázky od zákazníkov priamo od hotela. Video Recepcia pracuje odlišne od všetkých ostatných cestách Peer 2 Peer (Skype, MSN, GoogleTalk). Okrem toho, Family G že nástroj vytvorený pre hoteliéra, má prednostné line komunikácie serverov s garantovanou šírkou pásma je telefónny hovor, video chat a hladko.

-vychovávať tlačové správy o udalostiach (výstavy, koncerty, ochutnávky vín), ktoré sa uskutoční vo Vašom zariadení.

-spravovať stránky svojej štruktúry, ktoré sú umiestnené na portáli rodiny G-spravovať všetok obsah a obrázky z jeho oficiálnej webovej stránky-spravovať osobitné prostredníctvom inovatívnych web marketing, ktorý umožňuje obrátiť sa na konkrétnu cieľovú manage- rezervácie on-line. Pri rezervácii pre-organizovať jeho dostupnosť môže FamilyG byť účinným predajným nástrojom. Family G Napríklad je tu možnosť, vrátane doplnkových služieb, ako je prevod do postele, garáž, múzeum lístky, kvety privítanie, jedlá, atď ... to s jediným ovládacím panelom vám umožní posielať reklamné oznámenie na všetkých trhoch, ktoré vás zaujímajú v danom čase