Do Fish Dream ?

Monday, December 10, 2007

Bunny Boilers

I'm in a job where I have hundreds of staff and I'm frequently involved in assisting them deal with myriad professional and personal crises. In the last couple of weeks, I've had a couple of experiences with women who have come to me for advice about what I would describe as systematic, sustained, seriously-fucked-up stalking behaviour from ex's. Both these women detailed patterns of behaviour by these men which, to any reasonable person, would constitute unacceptable behaviour, but for some reason, they had put up with it for up to 18months. The stories they told, the emails and transcribed text messages they showed me, were enough to simultaneously raise goose-bumps on my flesh and make me sick to my stomach. There was evidence of plaintive, pleading entreaties followed only minutes later by sadistic, perverted threats against the girls and their new partners/kids/pets. The girls had been followed in cars, on foot, had their houses and workplaces watched and in one case, a note had been passed directly to a child on their way home from school from the psycho ex. In the other case, an email she received revealed her ex knew the name of her new partner, his daughter's name, where he worked and what he did for a job, both he and his daughter's dates of birth, her new address, (silent) telephone number - and he's supposed to be living interstate - how the hell did he find this stuff out ?? Seriously, scary, fucked-up shit. But, neither of these girls had sought police intervention - they had either tried to ignore the behaviour, replied to emails and text messages with gentle pleas to be left alone to get on with their new lives or retreated into their homes and lived like caged birds.

Helloooooo !!!! Girls - these men are nut-bags of the highest order - dontcha think that if they intended leaving you alone, they would have done so by now ????

The really sad part is that part of me understands the manipulation and mind games that these men play and how we women sometimes buy into their shit. I consider myself to be a reasonably intelligent person, but I stayed in a previous emotionally-abusive relationship for 6 years because my ex had convinced me I was fat, ugly, worthless, stupid and unlovable - in hindsight, and now I'm in a healthy, authentic, honest relationship, I am furious with myself, for I know I am none of those things, but at the time, when you are in the midst of it, your self-esteem is so low you really and truly believe it, deep down. So, I get why other women don't leave or when they do, how hard they sometimes find it to extricate themselves from the relationship.

But, back to these women - I took both of them to the local police station where they were compassionately interviewed by domestic violence case workers and AVOs were taken out against the men involved. It's early days yet, but it appears as though these cowardly, bullying men have finally met their match. Of course, not all women are as lucky as these two - domestic homicides are all too frequent, and it's really scary what a fine line there is between passionate love and passionate hate.

No, I'm not a man hater - my two great loves are my husband and only son - and I do agree that this kind of behaviour is perpetrated by many women as well (as the title of my blog suggests). But, the terror I witness in those who are genuinely afraid for their lives and those of their loved ones when they are the victim of stalker-ex's, are usually women.

So, has it happened to you ? Have you been stalked or had your bunny boiled by an ex ? I'd love to hear your stories.


Anonymous said...

Well, I did buy that meat cleaver for a reason........

Tex's Missus said...

it's getting harder each day to soar like an eagle when I'm surrounded by turkeys.....

Poodles said...

I think I was lucky that I was raised by very strong women who had been in bad relationships and gotten out. They taught me that I was better than to be treated like crap from anyone ever. I dated a few assholes, but I always got rid of them once I realized that they were crap. It is great you are helping these women see that they are worth more, and good to see that you realized you were worth more.

Tex's Missus said...

Good for you Poodles; I wished I'd had role models like those in your early life. But, at least I've raised my own son to have a healthy self-respect for women so he won't perpetuate that kind of behaviour. Thanks for your generosity and for your warm welcome !

tina FCD said...

Right now, there is a woman that's been missing going on 4 years I think, in my hometown. Her husband was never charged with anything. He met another woman that works with my daughter. Everyone warned her about this guy but he was so nice and personable in the beginning. well, there are some strange things that went on in the relationship and domestic violence, she finally got out with the help of the investigator from the first missing woman's case. He was convicted of domestic violence among other charges and will be sentenced shortly. Hopefully he will talk to a snitch in prison while he's there, about the first missing woman.

Tex's Missus said...

Hmmmm, if he's been abusive to his current partner, then there is a very good chance (say, 100%) he's been abusive to previous partners. I agree with you Tina, in that I hope he brags to a fellow inmate about his past and that it comes back to haunt him big time. In these cases I really feel for the families of missing persons - it must be so hard to deal with the not knowing.